The Indoor Cycling Instructor Certification Course

Starts Saturday January 14, 2023

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A Message from Rachel, Your Coach and Course Presenter

Become a Certified Indoor Cycling Instructor

The 4-week online learning experience will give you the skill set and confidence to teach your very own indoor cycling classes. The course is designed for the student learning experience with both LIVE Online and pre-recorded modules. Rachel, a BCRPA & CFES Educator from Canada, has been certifying indoor cycling instructors since 2004. She has certified over 1800 instructors in Canada and comes to you with 45,000+ hours of coaching experience. By completing this certification, you will walk away with hundreds of drills, ideas, and a deep understanding in how to lead a safe, fun, and engaging indoor cycling class experience of your own. Course runs from January 14th to February 5th, 2023.

  • No Prerequisites Required

  • Online Learning Experience

  • Pre-Recorded Modules

  • Bike Fitting, Set Up, and Rider Safety

  • In-Depth Learning Experience

  • Walk Away with Hundreds of Drills

  • Live Online Interactive Learning Experience Sessions

  • Develop Tools & Skills for Coaching

  • Master the Art of Cueing and Music

  • Online Student Dashboard with Full Access for a Lifetime

Class Design

Walk Away Ready to Design Your Classes

When taking Indoor Cycling Certifications, often the actual class design piece is missed or only covered in small detail. With this course, we will be doing a deep dive into class design, drills, playlists, music, training systems, and everything you need to design your classes with ease to make lesson planning a simple process.

Carolyn's Course Experience

"There is a real person behind this course supporting you, teaching you, not to mention the value based content."

Course Pricing

Prices are in Canadian dollars and include taxes. Early registration pricing will end shortly.

Indoor Cycling Instructor Certification Course

The Online course will cover these main subjects, along with many more important topics.

  • Introduction to Cycling

    We dive into the course with an introduction to the world of Indoor Cycling, the course layout, and how to make the most of the course.

  • You, the Coach

    The role of a coach is an important one. We are going to understand how to build strong coaching skills for your indoor cycling classes.

  • Rider Safety

    A coach's number one responsibility is to keep their riders safe. You will learn how to keep your riders safe and have fun in class!

  • Bike Safety

    Too often basic bike safety is overlooked which can lead to injuries. You will learn bike safety techniques for a safe and enjoyable ride.

  • Bike Fitting

    How you set up a rider on their bike will impact their ride and longevity as a participant. You will learn bike setup from a biomechanical perspective to ensure rider safety.

  • Riding Body Positions

    There are 7 primary body positions for Indoor Cycling. You will learn how to cue and transition each position in combination with your drills to add variety to your class and ride with a purpose.

  • Art of Cueing

    Cueing is a skill set that is developed with time, experience, and practice. You will learn the art of cueing, why we cue, and how to cue to deliver a memorable rider experience.

  • Art of Music

    Music is a key element to delivering a successful rider experience. You will learn how to step out of your music genre and understand in depth the power music plays in your classes.

  • Creating Playlists

    You will learn how to create playlists that have purpose and intention. A playlist is so much more than a collection of cycling songs. A playlist creates the rider's experience through the flow of the songs and drills.

  • The Triangle of Cycling

    In order to deliver a ride with purpose, power, and function, you must incorporate the training systems: power, speed, endurance, and strength. Each system plays a key role in the delivery of your drills and riding efficiently.

  • Leading Your Class

    Once you understand all the components of teaching indoor cycling, it will be time to develop your skill set as a leader and coach. You will learn how to lead a class and eliminate the stress of class preparation.

  • 6 Styles of Drills

    Indoor Cycling is more than changing the position with the song. There are 6 styles of drills you will learn how to create: Choreographed, Timer, Interval, Profiles, Interactive, and Themed Rides. The more tools in your toolbox, the easier teaching becomes.

Course Breakdown

Here is the breakdown of weeks with the corresponding modules and LIVE online coaching session dates :

  • LIVE Coaching January 14, 2023 - Course Welcome, Introduction + Modules 1 - 4

  • LIVE Coaching January 21, 2023 - Modules 5 - 8

  • LIVE Coaching January 28, 2023 - Modules 9 - 12

  • LIVE Coaching February 5, 2023 - Modules 13 - 16

  • LIVE Coaching February 11, 2023 - Course Conclusion, Review, Certificates

What About the CEC's for Other Organizations?

BCRPA & CFES Approved

Anyone can take the course. We are a Canadian company approved by our governing organizations the BCRPA and CFES. This means the CECs may not be applicable to your particular organization but that does not mean you cannot participate. If you want to have an in-depth knowledge of teaching indoor cycling and perhaps took a course and didn't feel prepared, you will be one of many people who have taken this certification after doing other ones because they wanted the experience of learning the content Rachel provides. Rachel has a worldwide audience and welcomes everyone who has been thinking about teaching to take the course and have fun with us. We always encourage our participants to do a Group Fitness course with their local organization and have their own insurance.

Your Course Educator


BCRPA Fitness Educator and Presenter Rachel Seay

Rachel, a certified indoor cycling instructor with 25 years of experience, has trained over 2,500 instructors in Canada and worldwide. She has been educating in the field of indoor cycling since 2004. With a Kinesiology background from UBC and Langara College, Rachel has over 50,000 hours of group coaching experience and brings her passion for teaching indoor cycling and group fitness to all her workshops and certifications. Her approach emphasizes fun learning, and she offers abundant material for instructors to use in their classes. With 40,000+ followers worldwide, Rachel aims to help instructors save time through her ebooks and helps instructors create their own content. She is the go-to resource for ideas and support. Founder of Inner Fit Studios, Rachel holds certifications in Schwinn, Keiser, Kettlebells, Yoga, and more. She enjoys ATV riding, running, teaching, and quality time with family and friends.

The 4 Week Online Learning Experience with Rachel

What Makes this a Unique Online Experience?

With the Online Indoor Cycling Instructor Certification, you will learn over a period of 4 weeks. Each week new content will be delivered with the option of a LIVE Online Interactive experience with Rachel, to help you review content and learn LIVE online. 

Each week, we will review the week's content, share insights, and help you prepare for the following week's educational content. Instead of one big overwhelming exam, Rachel breaks the content down into mini exams/reviews so that learning becomes an interactive and enjoyable experience that can be applied right away.

This method of online learning will prevent students from starting and not finishing. You will be doing this course with a group of peers from all over the world and learning together. This helps manage expectations and allows you to dive deep into the content without feeling overwhelmed or alone as many online courses do. By creating accountability each week, you will succeed and rock the outcome!

At the end of the course, you will receive your certificate of completion stating you are certified to lead an Indoor Cycling Program.

Testimonial: Ginny Dunhill

Ginny Dunhill, BCRPA Group Fitness, BCFIT Board Member, BCRPA Admin Team

"Though I have done indoor cycling courses in the past, I've always felt like an imposter instructor, never really feeling I had what it takes to teach a class. It wasn't until I did Rachel's training that I felt confident in my teaching abilities and ready to lead an indoor cycling class without a doubt in my mind. Rachel brings a wealth of experience, both in indoor cycling and in the fitness industry herself, and she weaves this knowledge throughout her teaching. Furthermore, she is accessible, fun, and genuinely wants her students to succeed. I believe a great instructor is one who cares about her industry as well as her students, and in preparing her students for their careers prepares them to help the industry become stronger and better. Rachel does just that. I recommend her course to anyone looking to further their indoor cycling capabilities, be they seasoned instructors or first-timers to the fitness industry. Thank you, Rachel!"


Breanna Graham

BCRPA Group Fitness Leader, ICC Certified Cycling Instructor, Cloverdale, BC

Loved Rachel’s indoor cycling course! She is an amazing educator and breaks the course down so it’s understandable but also provides opportunity to practice along with tools to create an energizing, fun class of my own. So happy I had the opportunity and I continue to learn from this amazing lady!

Deborah Ramsey

BCRPA certified Personal Trainer, 3rd Age, Yogafitness Instructor

“As a fitness professional, I am always upgrading my skills and knowledge with numerous courses. By far, Rachel’s spin instructor course was one of the best courses I’ve ever taken because she makes so much valuable information and support available to her participants. Her knowledge and experience in spin instruction is vast and she shares it in a relaxed, fun, and professional manner. Rachel’s course resources are extensive and really help anyone interested in teaching fabulous spin classes."


Cedar City Utah. Certified Spinning Instructor

"I have learned so much from your material and I cannot say thank you enough for being so humble and kind to share your knowledge with me. I have purchased all of your teaching manuals and I cannot get enough. Keep them coming! Knowledge is power and the value that you have put into those manuals is worth way more than you are charging. :) I’m inspired by your dedication to your own classes as well as other instructors. Thank you so much!"

Corell Schilp

Indoor Cycling Instructor, St. Charles, Missouri, USA

"Thank you Rachel for a fun and informative workshop! You have an infectious energy and I appreciate the new ideas you shared with us. Look forward to incorporating it into my classes. Thanks again!"

Tammy (ChiaMing) Yu

BCRPA certified fitness leader, weight training instructor, personal trainer, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Rachel is an energetic and very fun instructor. The seven hours indoor cycling instructor course never boring even when we were on the bikes and our legs were so sore but we were still laughing. learned lots of ideas lots of information and gat lots of confidence. I will strongly recommend Rachel's course to anyone, thank you and I will always keep learning!!

Christine Woodington

BCRPA Certified Group Fitness Leader, Richmond, BC, Canada

"I 100% highly recommend Rachel's workshops and courses. I recently completed her Indoor Cycling Certification. It was a jam-packed course that covered history, safety, coaching and planning. After completing the course, it gave me the confidence I needed to plan a well-thought-out and safe class. There were so many example drills, and tips, that I still refer back to the course materials on days when I need some inspiration, and I always find a golden nugget of knowledge that she taught us to get the creative juices flowing again."

Tania Sibley

BCRPA Group Fitness Leader, ICC Certified Cycling Instructor, Delta, BC

"What an awesome resource with a wealth of ideas and fundamental principles of spinning clearly explained. This is an invaluable tool for my teaching, having used many of the drills in this book already and received rave reviews from my participants. As a fitness professional, I cannot recommend this download enough for new/aspiring instructors to current instructors wanting to look for fresh new ideas."

Conner Sudbury

BCRPA Group Fitness Leader, Ladner BC

“I loved Rachel’s Indoor Cycling Certification Course. I heard about her from references at my local gym and participating in her class was a great experience hands down. I would definitely recommend her to anyone. Awesome teacher!”

Gerry Greschner

"Great workshop with Rachel! Excellent explanation and demonstration of the different drills and fabulous playlist to go along with it. Highly recommend a workshop if you can or purchase the e-books with the music and drill suggestions an out0standing resource for instructors looking for new ideas"

Bonus material

More than just a Certification Course

  • LIVE Online Coaching

    Over the period of 4 weeks, Rachel will be working with you to review the content from the week before, prepare you for the week ahead, and go through any questions or content students have questions about.

  • Pre-Recorded Drills

    Once you have created your instructor toolkit and developed your skills as a coach in the indoor cycling world, having drills to access will help you create your own classes. Rachel will be delivering pre-recorded drills you can access anytime.

  • Drill Ebooks

    As many of you may know, Rachel has been creating drills in the form of ebooks for 15 years. She will be delivering a few of her series to her students to help them build a foundation of drills to work from,

Testimonial: Jennifer H, NY

Certified Spin Instructor, Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Coach

"The Art of Creating Indoor Cycling Drills & Playlists was a fabulous course. Rachel is truly dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable. She is, most importantly, a super fun leader! I absolutely loved the entire course. There was so much application material that went beyond a ‘level one' instructor certification course while providing a super energetic and safe place to experiment online. I absolutely loved the optional peer review of our recorded homework assignments. I enjoyed seeing the creativity and different teaching styles of my peers. I also now enjoy other music genres to use while instructing which is important. I made some great connections with people all over the world! We are going to continue staying in touch and build an even larger collaborative music library together. Rachel takes the grit of composing a ride and breaks it down into a pattern that you will be able to use, saving hours of time. I am excited to plan classes that are efficient, planned and purposeful which will keep my attendance and retention rates higher. Gift yourself this unique opportunity. You will not regret it, especially as a new instructor, or an instructor returning from a long hiatus to get your mojo back. Go for it!"

Vanessa's Course Experience

"I would like to give Rachel's course a thumbs up, 5 stars, absolutely put me on the better path to being a cycling instructor"

Testimonial: Amanda

Certified Spin Instructor, Cedar City Utah

"I have learned so much from your material and I cannot say thank you enough for being so humble and kind to share your knowledge with me. I have purchased all of your teaching manuals and I cannot get enough. Keep them coming! Knowledge is power and the value that you have put into those manuals is worth way more than you are charging. :) I’m inspired by your dedication to your own classes as well as other instructors. Thank you so much!"


  • Does the CEC's Apply to Other Organizations

    Our courses are approved in Canada with the BCRPA and the CFES. There are hundreds of organizations worldwide so we simply cannot keep up. People take our courses because the content prepares them for teaching and they feel confident to lead their own classes.

  • Are the LIVE Coaching Experiences Recorded

    Yes, we have a large international following and due to time zones, not everyone can always attend LIVE. But the sessions will be recorded and put into your dashboard. You are welcome to send your questions to Rachel ahead of time and she will answer them LIVE.

  • When I complete the course, am I certified to teach?

    Yes, just like all the other spinning/cycling organizations, this certificate states you have completed the requirements to lead a safe class. We recommend getting your own instructor insurance.

  • Do I need to re-certify after a period of time?

    No. But we do highly suggest always continuing your education and adding tools to your tool-box. This keeps our industry standards high.

  • Is there an exam?

    Yes, we believe in making sure everyone has completed the course requirements prior to teaching. This ensures a standard of learning. The exams are open-book and there is no time limit.

  • Does the course provide insurance?

    No. You will need to have your own insurance provided by the BCRPA, Can Fit Pro, CFES, or other associations. We strongly recommend getting insurance prior to teaching. If you are confused about how to do this, give us a call, we are happy to help you or contact your local insurance agency and they can help you.

  • Can I participate if I do not have a bike?

    Absolutely. We know not everyone has access to a bike so we recommend visiting your local cycling studios or community centers where you intend to teach and asking if you can practice on their bikes.

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